Educators learned to navigate, troubleshoot, and utilize various instructional tools during interactive panel training!
JC Kindergarten Camp & 7th/9th Transition Day
It’s been a great week of Professional Learning! Thanks goes out to all our amazing presenters AND all you fabulous educators who have attended!! We appreciate you!
Check out next week’s upcoming PD.
Educators filled their instructional toolbox with innovative strategies to engage students in learning!
JCEAA Football Registration Form
JC professional learning sessions are in full swing! Our educators are always searching for high-quality instructional strategies to ensure that each student receives top-notch instruction!
JC Professional Learning Updates & Reminders
The Johnson County School District is thankful for KVEC's fabulous Kimberly Sergent! Educators are engaged in taking a deeper dive into inquiry and standards!
Thank you to Morehead State University and event coordinators for hosting Eastern KY TeachMeet. Educators across the district loved the venue and enjoyed a fabulous day of professional learning! #TMKY22
JC Educators,
Are you looking for fun and engaging professional learning sessions? Check out the slide deck for session titles, times, and locations.
Congratulations to Mrs. Amy Case on being named principal at W.R. Castle Elementary!
Such a great day of networking, collaboration, and sharing during vertical math and language arts professional learning sessions!
Educators engaged in developing leadership skills during Franklin Covey's training Speed of Trust and planned for the upcoming school year! #Eagle4Life
Want to know what JCHS can do for you? We can save you a year's worth of student debt and shave a year or more of college off your studies. We can help you get your career certifications faster. And you never have to step foot outside our campus or have teachers you don't know.
The Johnson County School District would like to welcome Mrs. Bridgette McClure as District Preschool Social Emotional Specialist. Congratulations, Mrs. McClure!
Happy 4th of July, Eagle family!
Summer Food Service Program 2022
Students enjoyed participating in a S'more Trail Celebration of Learning at Camp Eagle!
Happy Father's Day to all who love and support our students!
Students in Ms. Kelli Ratliff's class enjoy learning and making new friends during JC Camp Eagle Summer School!