CES Third Grade getting Clever and preparing for an awesome year in the STEAM lab.
over 5 years ago, Charlene Owens
All apps in one place
Badge login
Girls grade K - 12. Join the GIRL SCOUTS for thier Olympic Field at Jenny Wiley State Park! Check out the flier. Please share!
over 5 years ago, Belinda Meek
Girl Scouts
Welcome back Johnson County Eagles! Have a safe and wonderful day! Remember to always Lead Like An Eagle! #Eagle4Life
over 5 years ago, Johnson County Schools
We can’t wait to welcome our Eagles back to school! Thanks to our PTO for our new rug! Great things happening at CES!!!!!
over 5 years ago, Rhonda Vanhoose
Love our new rug!!! Thank you CES PTO!!!
At CES we are ready to keep score and track the data on attendance. Every day counts! Coming to school pays off.
over 5 years ago, Charlene Owens
Attendance Scoreboard
Excited to teach and learn in an innovative way combining the concepts and practices of science, technology, engineering, arts, and math in order to help make these subjects more applicable for students. Johnson County is preparing students for the future. In the words of Alice Lloyd, “The leaders are here. “
over 5 years ago, Charlene Owens
Full STEAM ahead
STEAM resources
JCMS Orientation
over 5 years ago, Robin Halsey
JCMS parents: Please join us in the gymnasium on Monday, August 5th from 5-7 for our first open house!!
over 5 years ago, Thom Cochran
JcMS open house 8-5-19
CONGRATULATIONS to our very own Amy Case on being named as the Assistant Principal for Central Elementary and WR Castle Elementary. We are so excited for Amy and look forward to having her with us in her new role.
over 5 years ago, Robin Halsey
JC STEAM Educators learning, sharing, and networking. A huge thanks to Superintendent Cochran for launching this amazing initiative! Special thanks to @lraganas for sharing her expertise! JC Schools are full STEAM ahead! #JCSTEAM19 #Eagle4Life
over 5 years ago, Johnson County Schools
Congrats to our very own Central Elementary Principal, Robin Halsey, for being named Principal between the Lakes!!!! Congrats!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
over 5 years ago, Rhonda Vanhoose
Congrats Mrs Halsey!!!! We love you!!!
Congratulation, Principal Robin Halsey on the Thrillshare post of the week! Keep sharing all the amazing things happening at Central Elementary and the Johnson County School District! #Eagle4Life @halsey_robin
over 5 years ago, Johnson County Schools
Thrillshare Post of the Week
Thrillshare Post of the Week
Grab your friends and register for East KYGoDigital. You do not want to miss this free and amazing professional learning opportunity! Sessions appropriate for all! #KYGoDigital Date: July 16th Time: 8:30-3:30 Location: Morehead State University http://bit.ly/32ofNOD
over 5 years ago, Lisa Blevins-Salyer
Central Elementary 2nd grade supply list.
over 5 years ago, Belinda Meek
2nd grade supply list
Central Elementary Kindergarten supply list. These are not required, but are greatly appreciated and shared by all throughout the year.
over 5 years ago, Belinda Meek
Kindergarten Supply List
Central Elementary 3rd grade supply list. Due to limited desk space, students will only have space for his/her 3 ring binder, pencil pouch or box with crayons, glue sticks, and scissors. The classroom teacher will store the remaining items above and distribute as needed. Also please keep in mind that student desks are very small, so trapper keepers and large binders will not fit.
over 5 years ago, Belinda Meek
3rd grade supply list
Central Elementary 1st grade supply list. Some of these items will be shared among all students. Please do not label supplies with student names. We are very excited for the new school year!!
over 5 years ago, Belinda Meek
1st Grade Supply List
Central Elementary 4th grade supply list.
over 5 years ago, Belinda Meek
4th grade supply list
School supply list for 5th and 6th grade.
over 5 years ago, Belinda Meek
5/6 Supply List
Ready Fest offers assistance with some needed school supplies and hygiene for the upcoming school year. Supplies are limited so be sure to come early!
over 5 years ago, Belinda Meek
Ready Fest