Kentucky Department of Education's Chief Communications Officer, Tony Tatman, notified superintendents that face coverings are no longer required for students outdoors. See the email below:
"Dear Superintendents and Education Leaders:
Happy Monday evening – I wanted to let you know that the flagship Healthy at Schools document has been updated to reflect last week’s executive order from Gov. Beshear pertaining to masks. (Dr. Glass also sent an email to all of you on Tuesday (April 27 at 4:55 p.m. ET) regarding the new executive order).
Here are the changes to the guidance document:
Page 6: We added new language and date: Pursuant to Executive Order 2021-278, students are no longer required to wear masks when outdoors.
Page 11: The first bullet on the page has been updated to read: When students are outside masks are not required.
As a reminder, individuals who have not yet been vaccinated are encouraged to continue to wear a mask while attending outdoor events and to pursue vaccination opportunities in their communities by visiting the Kentucky COVID Vaccination Locations website or calling Kentucky’s COVID-19 Hotline at (800) 722-5725. All individuals, regardless of their vaccination status, should continue to wear a mask when indoors in a public location, including schools and school related functions.
More COVID-19 guidance and resources are available on KDE’s COVID-19 webpage.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Thank you for all that you continue to do for our students and schools,
Toni " (Tatman)
Kentucky Department of Education 300 Sower Bldg., 5th Floor Frankfort, KY 40601 502-564-2000 Ext. 4602 Twitter: @KyDeptofEd, @tkonz |