No Pass/No Drive Reminder
Classes are starting this Wednesday! Make it your goal to pass at least 5 of 7 classes this semester and accumulate fewer than 9 unexcused absences. Also, dropping out of school automatically results in loss of a license or permit.
1. MAKE SURE to turn in an excuse to the attendance clerk every single time you are absent because turning in nothing results in an automatic unexcused absence. Nine or more unexcused absences = no drive
2. Meet all of your assignment deadlines and ask for help if you don't understand something BEFORE IT IS DUE.
3. Write down all of your assignment, quiz, and test deadlines in a calendar so you can remember to complete them on time.
4. Take advantage of FREE Eagle Enrichment tutoring before and after school for assignment help.
Click for Tips on How to Avoid No Pass No Drive
August 9, 2021