🎓Mackinsey Caldwell🎓 Senior Spotlight Congratulations, Mackinsey!
over 2 years ago, Alley Garner
Congratulations to our 2022 Prom Court! Come to Grand March this Saturday at 6:30 pm to find out who your Prom King and Queen are! If weather permits, the Grand March will be at the Jim Matney Football Complex. Prom Court members will be meeting in Laura Castle's room during 3rd period today.
over 2 years ago, Nicki Caudill
This FRIDAY is the deadline to register for the June 11 or 12 ACT offered here at Johnson Central! Sophomores-seniors, see Mrs. Caudill for a fee waiver.
over 2 years ago, Nicki Caudill
Good luck to our dozens of AP English Literature examinees as they put the pencil to the paper on Wednesday at 8:20AM!
over 2 years ago, Nicki Caudill
Our kiddos will show what they know at 12pm Wednesday! Wish them good luck!
over 2 years ago, Nicki Caudill
Senior Parents/Guardians! It is that special time of year again! Family graduation pictures are ready for appointments! We will be taking pictures Monday May 16-Thursday May 19. We are adding more evening slots and even including a full day on Tuesday (Election Day) for people who might have that day off. The sheet attached has prices and an explanation of how it works. Parents and extended family are welcome. This is all about celebrating your grad! This has been a great addition to senior festivities, so grab an appointment (You will receive an email with your time and date) and show up on time please! We will publish more information about where to park and where pics are set up the week before they begin, and the sessions will be handicap accessible for anyone who needs it. Grab your spot and if you have any issues, please contact amiee.cantrell@johnson.kyschools.us. https://forms.gle/3FdJ4RJ4JdzuiknG6
over 2 years ago, Amiee Webb
🎓Tierzah Salyer🎓 Senior Spotlight Congratulations, Tierzah!
over 2 years ago, Alley Garner
🎓Diya Patel🎓 Senior Spotlight Congratulations, Diya!
over 2 years ago, Alley Garner
🎓Kaylee Jarrell🎓 Senior Spotlight Congratulations, Kaylee!
over 2 years ago, Alley Garner
🎓Nash Salisbury🎓 Senior Spotlight Congratulations, Nash!
over 2 years ago, Alley Garner
Thanks to the Kentucky Small Business Development Center for inviting our JCHS Future Business Leaders to the 23rd Annual Big Sandy Women’s Business Symposium. The future of our community is safe in the hands of these ladies.
over 2 years ago, Misty Delong
https://yearbookforever.com/ Here is the link to order online yearbooks. You have until May 13th to order online and graduation to order at school. Name Stamps are no longer available to purchase. For any questions contact tammy.haney@johnson.kyschools.us
over 2 years ago, Tammy Haney
🎓Conner Lemaster🎓 Senior Spotlight Congratulations, Conner!
over 2 years ago, Alley Garner
🎓Heaven Spradlin🎓 Senior Spotlight Congratulations, Heaven!
over 2 years ago, Alley Garner
🎓Courtney McCoy🎓 Senior Spotlight Congratulations, Courtney!
over 2 years ago, Alley Garner
🎓Skylar McCarty🎓 Senior Spotlight Congratulations, Skylar!
over 2 years ago, Alley Garner
Eagle Enrichment is offering prep for the KSA end of the year tests. Students, you earn honor cords for graduation for each Proficient or Distinguished you receive. Today, 5-2-2022, we will review and prep for 10th grade Math! Let’s earn those cords!
over 2 years ago, Misty Delong
Join us in congratulating Olivia Estep for being admitted to the The Mahurin Honors College at Western Kentucky University. MHC is a national leader in honors education for academically motivated and high-potential learners from all communities. MCH’s mission is to foster excellence in all forms of expression through research, experiential learning, critical thinking, and international engagement. We are so proud!
over 2 years ago, Nicki Caudill
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Dr. Jay Morgan, President of Morehead State University talking to Johnson Central High School Junior & Senior students about the offerings at MSU and the application process.
almost 3 years ago, Todd Conley
MSU President talking to JCHS students.
MSU President talking to JCHS students.
MSU President talking to JCHS students.
Kona Ice is coming to JCHS this Monday!
almost 3 years ago, Nicki Caudill