Sophomore and Junior end of year testing begins May 9 and lasts through May 20. Students who earn a proficient or distinguished on will receive an honor cord to wear at graduation for EACH exam they earn a proficient or distinguished on.
Check the spreadsheet linked below to see your test dates. Sophomores will test on two different days and juniors will test on three different days. So make sure to mark all of your dates and times down. Please let know ASAP if you have a schedule conflict so we can switch your date(s). Attendance is required.
Click the tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet to toggle between sophomores and juniors. A handful of names will be added later, so if you don't see your name today, check here next week.
We are so excited to welcome our newest college ready seniors! A great big welcome to Shelby Blackburn, Dustin Estep, Jenna Johnson, Dylan Meadows, Dalton McCroskey, and Brooklyn Music!
🎓Ava Cochran🎓
Senior Spotlight
Congratulations, Ava!
🎓Civic Horn🎓
Senior Spotlight
Congratulations, Civic!
🎓Haley Marsillett🎓
Senior Spotlight
Congratulations, Haley!
🎓Madison Waller🎓
Senior Spotlight
Congratulations, Madison!
Seniors who are listed with a check have turned in senior pictures. If your name is not checked you have until this Friday (4-22-22). I will be taking senior pictures tomorrow from 1-3:30 for any senior who has not had a picture taken in room 7. Infinite campus pictures will be used for the newspaper and yearbook for students without a picture.
If you wish to purchase an advertisement please turn in all pictures or ads by Friday. Examples of advertisements are below. Prices for senior advertisements are 1/4 page- $25, 1/2 page $40, full page $100.
And the results are in...
Class of 2022 Senior Superlatives
Please see Mrs. Haney May 3 or May 4 to have your superlative picture taken!
🎓Lakyn Daniels🎓
Senior Spotlight
Congratulations, Lakyn!
🎓Brooklynne Arms🎓
Senior Spotlight
Congratulations, Brooklynne!
🎓Isabella Stephens🎓
Senior Spotlight
Congratulations, Isabella!
🎓Haleigh Harless🎓
Senior Spotlight
Congratulations, Haleigh!
Congratulations to senior Courtney Ward for being awarded the UK/BCTC Karen and Stanley Pigman Engineering Technology Scholarship! This opportunity provides for full tuition to UK/BCTC, room and board at UK, transportation and other expenses. Courtney plans to pursue Computer Engineering Technology.
Any senior who does not have a senior picture please contact Tammy Haney to set up a time to get senior pictures taken FREE of charge. (606)789-2500 or
This is the last call for senior pictures!!!! They are due no later than Friday of this week. We need 2 senior pictures and 1 baby picture. One will be used for the yearbook and one for the newspaper. Infinite campus pictures will be used if one is not turned in. I will send a list out of seniors who have not sent in senior pictures tomorrow along with the advertisement information for those who may want to purchase an ad for the yearbook. Any questions please email Please pass this information to any seniors you may know.
Congratulations to our own Clarke Judd (Instrumental Music - Percussion) & Darren Fairchild (Visual Arts) for being chosen out of 1,100 applicants for the Governor's School for the Arts!
🎓Abagail Meade🎓
Senior Spotlight
Congratulations, Abagail!
🎓Britney Daniel🎓
Senior Spotlight
Congratulations, Britney!
🎓Isabella Marcum🎓
Senior Spotlight
Congratulations, Isabella!