JCMS Youth Services Center August Newsletter
Picture Day tomorrow!! Fall school pictures and fall sports (girls basketball, football, and cheer) will be taken tomorrow!
Students in Mrs. Pierce’s science class collaborated to design, build and test boats. Shout out to all of these students because all of their boats floated.
Leadership Skills class completing a learning styles survey so they can be grouped together to plan and teach their own lessons!
JCMS Parents & Guardians: Please complete the Safe School Assessment Survey for your Johnson County Middle School student!
Mrs. Hamilton’s class conducted a virtual murder mystery today. They explored several areas on their own, collected evidence, and interviewed eyewitnesses!! Way to go! #JCMSStrong #Eagle4Life
Welcome Donna!
Shout out to Braxton Perry and Lilly Puckett from Team 7 Black for showing acts of kindness toward their peers this week. We love to see students showing leadership and using the habit of “Think Win-Win” to make sure their peers also have an opportunity for success.
We had an amazing first day back with our students!
Here are some safety reminders for dropping off and picking up students. Follow one of the routes (yellow or blue arrows) to access the student drop off/pick up areas.
DO NOT pull into the staff lot or drive in bus lane.
Thank you for helping keep our students safe!
Online registration is open in the Johnson County School District for existing and new student registration. You can complete the registration at home or visit your school for assistance. Please complete today!
JCMS 7th & 8th Grade Supply Lists
JCMS custodians are Rockstars!!
JCMS Back to School Bash! 2021-2022 School Year
Johnson County FRYSC's Community Partners Present Ready Fest!
Free Back to School Supplies
August 3, 2021 from 9:00-12:00 Drive-Thru At JCHS
Enter through middle school entrance and proceed to the back of the high school to receive items. Then exit the back gate to the plaza.
JCMS Retreat Day 2 - Teachers had a full day of Leader in Me activities focused on the 7 Habits and emotional wellness. What a fantastic day of growth and development!!!
JCMS Retreat Day 1 - Staff got “Back to Basics” by refocusing on school improvement, culture and a student centered vision!! Staff are ready to make BIG things happen for students!!
Welcome to JCMS Assistant Principal Sharon Davis!
Hillbilly Hibachi will be at JCHS Tomorrow starting at 11:30 in the parking lot. Please come out and support the Lady Eagle Volleyball team.
Welcome Mr. McCoy!!
Congratulations to Mrs. Anita!! 🎉