4th graders @porterelementary have been learning about structures and functions. In today’s science lesson students tested different beaks (structures) to see how they can impact the food that birds eat. #LivinThePantherLife
over 3 years ago, Selena Cochran
4th grade testing beak structures
4th grade testing beak structurea
4th grade testing beak structures
Mrs. Bowling’s first grade students use different methods counting on to add within 10. Awesome job first grade!!!
over 3 years ago, Rebecca Caudill
First graders using a dice to count on
First graders using pop its to add counting on within 10
Mrs. Montgomery’s 3rd grade math class working to add 3-digit numbers using place value. Students had fun learning how to regroup!
over 3 years ago, Tara Montgomery
Porter elementary students in Mrs. Gullett’s math class were proactive during a power outage. They took the initiative to respond positively and improved the situation.
over 3 years ago, Rebecca Caudill
Students being proactive during a power outage
Students complete math homework during a power outage using their chrome books
After assembling their flashlights, Porter Elementary students conducted an investigation to determine the effect of different objects in a beam of light. Then students made observations while illuminating and creating their masked profiles.
over 3 years ago, Rebecca Caudill
illuminating objects
sequence of assembly and masked shadow profiles
Assembling flashlights
Porter's student-led Monday Morning Meeting!! Our Finale team recognized our Leader of the Month, empowered students with a Monday Mission, gave information about school-wide job applications, and ended with the Harlem Shake! #proudpanther #LivinThePantherLife #LIM
over 3 years ago, Selena Cochran
Finale Team Recognizing Leaders of the Month
Panthers Listening attentively to our Finale Team
Students are learning about school-wide jobs and how to apply
Finale team end meeting with the Harlem Shake
Marine engineers at Porter Elementary are building boats that float down the STREAM!!!
over 3 years ago, Rebecca Caudill
pirate ship
building boats
floating down the stream
star boat
Elementary football tryouts will be postponed until Wednesday, August 11th, because of heavy rain expected this evening and open houses tomorrow night. 5:30 PM 3rd-4th Grade at Highland 7:00 PM 5th-6th Grade at Highland
over 3 years ago, Johnson County School District
Online registration is open in the Johnson County School District for existing and new student registration. You can complete the registration at home or visit your school for assistance. Please complete today! https://bit.ly/2TbDF8e
over 3 years ago, JC Tech Team
Tackle Football Practice/Tryouts Highland Elementary Football Field Monday, August 9th 3rd and 4th Grade Practice/Tryouts 5:30 PM 5th and 6th Grade Practice/Tryouts 7:00 PM Practice/Tryouts are for students in grades 3-6 enrolled at a Johnson County Elementary School. Central, Flat Gap, Highland, Porter, and W.R. Castle. If your child has an up-to-date sports physical, please bring a COPY!
over 3 years ago, Johnson County School District
Johnson County FRYSC's Community Partners Present Ready Fest! Free Back to School Supplies August 3, 2021 from 9:00-12:00 Drive-Thru At JCHS Enter through middle school entrance and proceed to the back of the high school to receive items. Then exit the back gate to the plaza.
over 3 years ago, Johnson County School District
Hillbilly Hibachi will be at JCHS Tomorrow starting at 11:30 in the parking lot. Please come out and support the Lady Eagle Volleyball team.
over 3 years ago, Johnson County Schools
1st Grade had so much fun hunting for eggs!
almost 4 years ago, Ashley LeMaster
Easter egg hunt
Egg Hunt
Kash found the golden egg!
Egg Hunt
So much fun at Porter Elementary! So glad to see our students today!
almost 4 years ago, Ashley LeMaster
Counting and Dancing to 50!
Math activities
Outside fun!
Fun with friends!
Porter students are having fun participating in our Read Across America Week dress up days!
almost 4 years ago, Ashley LeMaster
Reese shows off her crazy socks!
Grant shows off his crazy socks for Read Across America Week!
Red, White, and Blue for Read Across America Week
Our awesome 2nd grade students at Porter Elementary participating in digital lessons today!!!
almost 4 years ago, Rebecca Caudill
digital adverb lesson
three-digit subtraction on jamboard
three-digit subtraction with regrouping on jamboard
digital calendar
It’s been a GREAT day at Porter Elementary! So many exciting lessons! 🐾
almost 4 years ago, Ashley LeMaster
Phases of the moon lesson!
Digital Learning!
Awesome digital learning!
3rd Grade Quadrilaterals
Auxier FIre Department will have a food giveaway today Saturday 02-20-2021 at 11:00 am sweets, Food boxes, chips.
almost 4 years ago, Erin Caudill
Johnson County School District Closed No Click-and-Soar instruction Thursday, February, 18, 2021 Due to Weather & Power Outages Stay safe & warm!
almost 4 years ago, Johnson County Schools
Covid-19 Rental Assistance is now open to Kentuckians who have experienced hardships and are at risk of eviction. Below you will find the information. If you have any questions or need any assistance collecting information please contact Erin Caudill in the Family Resource Office 606-789-3181 or email at erin.caudill@johnson.kyschools.us
almost 4 years ago, Erin Caudill
healthy at hom
healthy at home