Mrs. Rachael Slone's 3rd grade reading class using their Wonders series to work in "Story Squads."
almost 2 years ago, Holly Preece
Wonders leveled readers are great resource for small groups.
Group work is always fun!
What's your thoughts?
Buddy work!
Mr. Cochran's 4th grade Science classes used Oreo cookies to make a fun edible astronomy activity to review the phases of the moon!
almost 2 years ago, Holly Preece
Partner work is always fun.
What phase is this?
How many phases are there?
Completed work!
Due to rising water and the forecast of more rain, elementary will be released at 12:30, and the middle/high will release at 1:00. There will be no after-school care, LIFT, or practice.
almost 2 years ago, Johnson County Schools
Due to rising water and the forecast of more rain, elementary will be released at 12:30, and the middle/high will release at 1:00.
almost 2 years ago, Johnson County School District
Reading is a blast at WR Castle!
about 2 years ago, Holly Preece
Mrs. Chafin's 6th graders working on idioms.
Mrs. Scarberry's class working in stations.
First graders making words from their word blocks chart.
Mrs. Oliver giving instructions before students went to work in stations.
National Counselor Week--We would like to thank, Mrs. Brittany for all she does for our students here at WRC. Our Tomcats sure love you!
about 2 years ago, Holly Preece
We love Mrs. Brittany
We would like to thank Mrs. Melissa Slone, our school counselor, for all of her hard work and dedication. WRC loves you!
about 2 years ago, Holly Preece
We love our counselor!
Monday morning is off to a great start at WR Castle! We are ready for a full week of learning.
about 2 years ago, Holly Preece
Mrs. Burchett checking fluency using Wonder material.
Mrs. Spradlin using Zaner-Bloser material to instruct her class on the proper strokes of handwriting.
Miss Spriggs' class reading their weekly Wonders selection and applying cause/effect skill.
FRYSC Appreciation Week
about 2 years ago, Amy Case
Mrs. Ciara working with Jr Pro Basketball
Students and staff working hard at W.R. Castle! Lots of learning taking place in all grades.
about 2 years ago, Holly Preece
Mrs. Cantrell's math class working those fractions.
Mrs. Chafin's 6th grade reading class working on testing strategies.
Ms. Bri working with small groups in resource room
Ms. West working on reading skills.
Academic Meet results from 1/23/2023
about 2 years ago, Amy Case
2nd meet results
Congratulations, Tomcats!
about 2 years ago, Holly Preece
Awesome job!
Mrs. McCarty is working with 3rd grade students stations. Students are paired weekly to complete tasks and meet back with resource teacher to consult on what they learned and how to improve Way to go 3rd graders!!
about 2 years ago, Holly Preece
Resource math with Mrs. McCarty
Peer to peer writing lab
Lexia Island
Sight word fluency comprehension
After studying food chains, Mr. Cochran's 4th grade students dissected owl pellets. Students used the findings to gather conclusions and evidence to support facts they had previously studied.
about 2 years ago, Holly Preece
Mr. Cochran distributes materials for experiment.
Mrs. Harless giving instructions on how to dissect the pellets.
Students worked in groups to find out what the owl had eaten.
WRC's first LiveSchool competition (School of Rock---Battle of the Bands) was a blast! Students and Staff rocked it out! Congratulations to the Backstreet Cats for winning the competition.
about 2 years ago, Holly Preece
Battle of the Bands Winner--Backstreet Cats!
Most Spirited--Kool and the Tomcat Gang!
Strategy was needed for this game.
K-2 Relay race game.
5th graders is Mrs. Grim’s math lab use multi-digit multiplication to break codes and escape the mad mathematician.
over 2 years ago, Melanie Grim
5th grade
5th grade
5th grade
5th grade
Our Boys will be in action Thursday evening.
over 2 years ago, Amy Case
JCEAA Boy’s Basketball Panorama
Be a Rainbow in Someone Else’s Cloud
over 2 years ago, Gaylena Burchett
Mrs. Spradlin & Alyssa
Mrs. Rosie & Mattie
Mrs. Scarberry & Mason
Mrs. Grim & Kalijah
1st graders in Mrs.Grim’s math lab were detectives, solving the mystery of the missing addend.
over 2 years ago, Melanie Grim
1st grade detectives
1st grade detectives
1st grade detectives
1st grade detectives
We became aware of a situation today and as a precautionary measure, we made the proactive decision to go into soft lockdown and contact law enforcement. At no time was any W.R. Castle student or staff member in danger as we take our students and employees safety as top priority. Thank you for your continued understanding and support of our school.
over 2 years ago, Amy Case