Reward trip to the movies. The kids enjoyed the movie Ugly Dolls!
almost 6 years ago, Rhonda Vanhoose
Movie time
Ready for the movie to start
Don't forget to get registered for Camp Shawnee Day Camp. Register at or pick up a registration from the resource center.
almost 6 years ago, Belinda Meek
Camp Shawnee
Thank you Caitlin, Alex & Savannah, from the Christian Appalachian Project, Camp Shawnee, for talking with the entire student body about Day Camp at Central Elementary! Day Camp will be, June 10-13, 9:00 am-3:00 pm. Must be 6-13 years of age. It's free & open for registration.
almost 6 years ago, Belinda Meek
Camp Shawnee
Stop by the office to get a registration flyer for the 2019 basketball camp at JCHS.
almost 6 years ago, Belinda Meek
Basketball Combine
JCPL summer flyer!
almost 6 years ago, Belinda Meek
JCPL summer flyer
Jackie’s Gymnastics recital tomorrow.
almost 6 years ago, Rhonda Vanhoose
Info for parents
Perfect attendance reward for the 3rd 9 weeks of school!!!
almost 6 years ago, Rhonda Vanhoose
Kona Ice
Love the Kona Ice
Our Seniors came home today. Congratulations to the JCHS class of 2019 from Central Elementary and Meade Memorial Elementary. We love you all. Best Wishes.
almost 6 years ago, Charlene Owens
Central Elementary
CES and Meade being represented well with the Class of 2019. We would like to congratulate them on their accomplishments and wish them the very best. We are so proud of them. 🖤💛🦅
almost 6 years ago, Robin Halsey
ClES and Meade Class of 2019 babies
Share Your Calm Yoga and Meditation
almost 6 years ago, Charlene Owens
The Thrillshare Post of the Week for May 6-10 goes to The Johnson County Middle School News and Events! Congratulations JCMS! Keep posting all of the great things happening in the JC School System! #JCEaglePride #Eagle4Life
almost 6 years ago, Thom Cochran
Post of the week May 6-10
Johnson County is blessed with the best School Nurses! Thanks to these hard working ladies who take care of our students every day in every way! #JCEaglePride #Eagle4Life
almost 6 years ago, Thom Cochran
School Nurse week
Central Elementary CmPS is having a Yard Sale and Bake Sale tomorrow, Saturday, May 11th at Central Elementary. Come by and shop and support “Share Your Calm”.
almost 6 years ago, Charlene Owens
The Johnson County Schools Local Planning Committee will conduct the 2nd PUBLIC FORUM on Tuesday, May 14th, 2019 at 5:30 pm at the Johnson County Board of Education Central Office. The Public Forum will be an informal gathering to obtain public opinion regarding future district facility priorities. The Local Planning Committee will meet immediately following adjournment of the Public Forum.
almost 6 years ago, Thom Cochran
almost 6 years ago, Robin Halsey
Teacher Appreciation Week
The Thrillshare Post of the Week for April 29-May 3 goes to Porter Elementary Principal, Mrs. Heather Butcher! Congratulations Mrs. Butcher and Porter Elementary on being name a Leader in Me Lighthouse School! #JCEaglePride #Eagle4Life
almost 6 years ago, Thom Cochran
Post of the Week April 29-May 3
Central Elementary Grades 3 – 6 are excited to begin testing next week (May 6 – 10, 2019)!!!!! Our students have worked very hard this year and are looking forward to showing what they know!!!!! We would like to remind you of a few test taking strategies. • First, please have your child get in bed early each night so that he/she gets a good night’s rest. • Next, a good breakfast is a must! Please be sure students are at school early each day to eat a hot breakfast in our cafeteria or have a hot breakfast at home before coming to school. • Also, we need all students to be on time each day. We must follow a strict schedule and will be beginning promptly each morning. • Lastly, encourage your child to do his/her best. We have amazing students at CES and are confident they will do great!!!!!! Thank you for all that you do! Parent involvement is a great asset that we have here at CES and we appreciate each of you so very much!!! Thank you, CES Teachers & Staff
almost 6 years ago, Robin Halsey
Happy National School Principal Day to all Johnson County Principals!!! We are blessed with the best!! #JCEaglePride #Eagle4Life
almost 6 years ago, Thom Cochran
National principal day
Mrs. Bowen & Ms. Vanhoose's kindergarten students synergized to design Earth Day murals. Check out this YouTube video and be sure to subscribe to the channel to see all the great learning taking place! #Eagle4Life
almost 6 years ago, Lisa Blevins-Salyer
Earth Day
Earth Day
Earth Day
Earth Day
Congratulations to Johnson Central High School on earning the Thrillshare Post of the Week for April 22-26! Keep up the great work! #JCEaglePride #Eagle4Life
almost 6 years ago, Thom Cochran
JCHS Post of the week