Free Sports Physicals! You may print physical form and complete first 4 pages before arrival if possible!
over 3 years ago, Samantha Garrett
Free Sports Physicals
Good luck to Johanna Balch as she completes her AP Biology exam today at noon!
over 3 years ago, Nicki Caudill
Best of Luck to our Future Problem Solvers today. These brilliant students will represent Kentucky in this international competition! #FPSPI #AcademicExcellence #JCHS
over 3 years ago, Misty Delong
FPSPI Graphic
Best of Luck to our Future Problem Solvers today. These brilliant students will represent Kentucky in this international competition! #FPSPI #AcademicExcellence #JCHS
over 3 years ago, Misty Delong
FPSPI Graphic
Good luck, Kelci and Meghan, as you tackle your AP Chemistry exam today at 12pm!
over 3 years ago, Nicki Caudill
Good luck, Savanna Holbrook, on your AP Statistics exam today at 4pm!
over 3 years ago, Nicki Caudill
Good luck, Caylee Caudill, on today's AP Calculus AB exam at noon!
over 3 years ago, Nicki Caudill
JCHS Summer School is in full swing! Our Community Partners are offering high quality enrichments everyday. Today, Mrs. Diana Reed led a STEM lesson from our JCHS engineering classroom! #4HSTEM #EagleEnrichment #Summer Learning #21stCCLC #Head #Heart #Hands #Health
over 3 years ago, Misty Delong
close up 4H Instructions
stem student
4H Instructions
Good luck to Meghan Ratliff as she tackles the AP Human Geography exam today at noon!
over 3 years ago, Nicki Caudill
🥎 Congratulations to the Golden Eagles, 2021 15th Region Softball Tournament Champions! 🥎
over 3 years ago, Kayla Moore VanHoose
Softball Region Champions
Our rising Eagle Seniors have been using their summer wisely! We have added 12 new names to our College Ready list since May 24th. If you'd like to see your name on this list, contact Mrs. Ratliff at
almost 4 years ago, Amanda Ratliff
Class of 2022 College Ready!
Good luck to Meghan Ratliff as she will be completing her AP English Language exam today at noon!
almost 4 years ago, Nicki Caudill
Summer School Enrichment! All summer school students are welcome but those who are earning credit for a science class will receive a 5% bump on their summer school science grade. Join us at 9am or 12:15pm in room 154!
almost 4 years ago, Nicki Caudill
Good luck to Amanda Kline, Devon Pinder, and Meghan Ratliff as they take on the AP World History: Modern exam at 12pm!
almost 4 years ago, Nicki Caudill
TOYS FOR TOTS Tomorrow June 3rd at Johnson Central High School 1:00- 5:00 Each child will receive snacks, books and 2-3 toys. *Child must be present to receive toys
almost 4 years ago, Missy Mosley
Congrats to our Lady Eagle Softball squad on their 57th District Championship, defeating Paintsville 8-0! 🥎
almost 4 years ago, Kayla Moore VanHoose
Best of luck to our tennis team as they compete in the State Tournament today! 🎾
almost 4 years ago, Kayla Moore VanHoose
JCHS Tennis
Good luck, James, on your AP Computer Science A exam today!
almost 4 years ago, Nicki Caudill
Good luck to our Ap English Lit examinees today!!
almost 4 years ago, Nicki Caudill
Congratulations to Eagle Baseball on your victory over Paintsville to win the 57th District Championship! #JCEaglePride
almost 4 years ago, Kayla Moore VanHoose