Gone but not forgotten
almost 4 years ago, Nicki Caudill
Our students and teachers have had the best time at JCHS Summer School! We have big plans for the next three weeks. Join us tomorrow for Credit Recovery, the conclusion of First Aid and CPR, Prize Bingo, Open Gym, and Culinary Cake Pops 🧁 We hope to see you there! 🖤💛🦅🖤💛
almost 4 years ago, Misty Delong
Senior final transcripts need to be sent to colleges even if you have sent them previously. The recently uploaded transcripts on Parchment now have your senior grades on them as well as your diploma date. Click here to process the transcript order: https://www.parchment.com/u/registration/12290/account
almost 4 years ago, Nicki Caudill
Why is Skylar smiling so big? No, it's not because she's the Regional FFA Reporter (although that's great too). It's because she just used the enrichment portion of JCHS Summer School to earn her "College Ready" distinction. Congratulations Skylar on working hard, taking initiative, and being a great example of a true student leader. . Would you like to see your name on the college ready list? Email Mrs. Amanda Ratliff (amanda.ratliff@johnson.kyschools.us) to find out how. #moreopportunity #collegeready #jchssummerschool
almost 4 years ago, Amanda Ratliff
Skylar McCarty
College Ready Seniors
Good luck to Savanna, Madeline, and Lauren as they complete their AP Chemistry exam today!!!
almost 4 years ago, Nicki Caudill
Calling all Johnson Central Alumni! We hope you will join us in our first ever alumni show, Mamma Mia! (No prior experience required) Check out our Facebook page, Appletown Productions, for complete details. 🍎 🎭
almost 4 years ago, Emily Warne
Way to go, seniors! These 12th graders finished their senior year by being on the Gold Honor Roll! They earned a 4.0 GPA this 2020-2021 school year.
almost 4 years ago, Nicki Caudill
We are so proud of our juniors who are on our end of the year Gold Honor Roll! They earned a 4.0 final GPA this school year!
almost 4 years ago, Nicki Caudill
These sophomores made it to our gold honor roll! They earned a 4.0 GPA overall during this school year.
almost 4 years ago, Nicki Caudill
Congratulations to these freshmen students who completed the school year with a 4.0 overall GPA! Way to go, kids!
almost 4 years ago, Nicki Caudill
Summer ACT Prep! Every Wednesday of Summer School will be an ACT Prep day. Two sessions will be offered per day (8:30-11:30 and 12:15-3:15). Each session is the same and you may attend either one. To allow for spacing and materials, you must preregister. Click the link and when asked for your "failing class" simply enter ACT. Can't wait to see everyone! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdNdn1ccEbqOdcTvh4Hdcu_JpoQwcz2FQNHTX4Mh1jaXqWMgQ/viewform
almost 4 years ago, Amanda Ratliff
Summer ACT Prep
As the Class of 2021 prepares to graduate, it's time for the Class of 2022 to begin planning their senior year and beyond. Senior year can be hectic and stressful at times with college planning, scholarship deadlines, and dual credit classes. Get an early start by checking out the "To Do" list and "College Ready" list attached. Seniors and their parents are welcome to contact Mrs. Amanda Ratliff if they have any questions about this information. You can reach her by emailing amanda.ratliff@johnson.kyschools.us
almost 4 years ago, Amanda Ratliff
Class of 2022 College Ready
Class of 2022 To Do List
We'd like to congratulate Sammi Sites on signing with the University of Pikeville to continue her basketball and academic career. We are so proud of you Sammi! Once an Eagle, Always an Eagle! #JCEaglePride #MoreOpportunity
almost 4 years ago, Kayla Moore VanHoose
Sammi Sites signing day
Senior Reminder!!! Tomorrow at 12 p.m. they will be taking the class picture followed by graduate pictures with Mr. Cochran. Make sure to bring Cap & Gown for your pictures. Those not there by 12 will not be in the class photo.
almost 4 years ago, Tammy Haney
Anyone who wants to see Matilda tomorrow during school should see Mr. Lyons first period. The cost is $4 and all concessions are $1 each! Hope to see you there 😀
almost 4 years ago, Emily Warne
It's almost Grad Week! Congratulations to the Class of 2021!
almost 4 years ago, Amanda Ratliff
Grad Week
Congratulations to Ryan Kitchen on making the 2020 All-State Skeet Team. Making the team at his age is a rare and tremendous accomplishment. We are so proud of you Ryan! #JCEaglePride #Eagle4Life
almost 4 years ago, Kayla Moore VanHoose
Ryan Kitchen
In tonight's shut-out victory over Ashland, Coach Shawn Hall hit career win 400! Congratulations, Coach Hall! #GOAT
almost 4 years ago, Kayla Moore VanHoose
400 wins
PLEASE SHARE! MONDAY is a BIG day for our seniors. Please plan to be here! 9:00 AM - Awards ceremony (please note this is NOT ONLY for 4.0 kids - students will receive their GPA cords for 3.0 and above as well as scholarship recognition). NOON - Cap and gown CLASS PHOTO. PLEASE BE HERE! 12:30 - Cap and gown graduation pics with Superintendent Thom Cochran. Please make plans to be here :-)
almost 4 years ago, Amiee Webb
If you ordered a graduation stole from the JCHS Players, it can be picked up at The Sipp theater between 8 and 8 on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.
almost 4 years ago, Emily Warne