Check this Amazing Daily 5 Reading Lesson with Mrs. Jennifer Salyer's 2nd Graders!!
Mr. William Blackford from Franklin Covey’s Leader in Me program visited Porter Elementary students and brought an important message about kindness - “In a world where you can be anything, be kind” 🐾❤️🐾
Students in Mrs. Lewis’ 4th grade were practicing engineering designs to create towns that would withstand natural disasters. #LivinThePantherLife #kydlc
Due to conflicting schedules, we are rescheduling our 6th Grade Academic and Sports Banquet to next Friday, April 22nd at 1:30pm. We will be recognizing 6th Grade students who have participated in these events and their parents during this time! Thank you!
Porter Elementary STREAM students demonstrate how many beats whole, half, quarter, and eighth notes get! We love music! #JCSTREAM
Mrs. Helmandollar’s 3rd graders are using PhET simulations to practice fractions.
Calling all 2022-2023 Kindergarteners!! Join us for our Kindergarten Orientation on April 27th at 6:00pm!
Enjoy Spring Break Panthers! 🐾🌷 See you back at school on April 4th!
Happy Spring Break, Eagles!
March 28th-April 1st
Spirit Week March 22nd - March 25th!
No School
Monday, March 21st
Academic Day
Good luck to all of our coaches and teams!
Excitement is evident in the eyes of STREAM students at Porter as they experiment with colors! They are amazed as new colors emerge while applying water to their patterns. Students create a butterfly garden that the whole school enjoys! #LivinThePantherLife #JCSTREAM #leaderinme
What fantastic leaders we have at Porter! STREAM students have worked diligently measuring, calculating, cutting, and assembling paper chains for our kindness rainbow! #leaderinme #LivinThePantherLife #JCSTREAM
A BIG congratulations goes to two amazing Porter students! In the Solid Waste Commission and Johnson County Fiscal Court’s Anti-Littering Art Contest, 6th Grader Kynley Parsons was awarded county-wide winner in her division and Kiley May was awarded runner-up in her division!
Sports Day is this Friday, March 11th! 🏀
3rd grade students in Mrs. Helmandollar’s class worked in studios to use coordinates to find locations. #LivinThePantherLife
Accountability reading partners in Kindergarten ❤️🐾 #LivinThePantherLife #leaderinme #jcdlc
Mrs. Bowling’s 1st graders playing a little sight word knock out. #LivinThePantherLife ❤️🐾
Mrs. Bowling’s 1st graders working in Math studios, adding three digits and place value practice! #LivinThePantherLife ❤️🐾
Mrs. Bank’s Kindergarten class is using quiz, quiz, trade to practice reading CVC words! #kaganstrategy #LivinThePantherLife #studentengagement #JCDLC