Porter Elementary’s 3rd Grade Wizards!!
over 2 years ago, Tara Montgomery
3rd grade trying to save Fred in a team building activity!
over 2 years ago, Tara Montgomery
Saving Fred!
3rd grade trying to save Fred in a team building activity!
JCEAA Football Registration Form https://forms.gle/J5c5qS4UTi3WvKxV7
over 2 years ago, Johnson County School District
Teachers @Porter_Elementary bring education to life with so many valuable resources! #lightspeed #wondersreadingseries #iready #interactivepanels #studios #LivinThePantherLife https://youtu.be/TYv7jlTI4yc
over 2 years ago, Selena Cochran
Just a reminder, summer school began today for registered students. The bus drivers start routes around 7:00 AM, and doors open at 8:00 AM for students being dropped off at school.
over 2 years ago, Johnson County School District
Summer School Begins May 31st for Registered Students Elementary Students from Central, Highland, Porter & W.R. Castle Location: Central Elementary Arrival: 8:00-8:30 Dismissal: 12:00
over 2 years ago, Lisa Blevins-Salyer
We had a super fun dodge ball tournament @porter_elementary today! #LivinThePantherLife #5thgradewon
over 2 years ago, Selena Cochran
Dodge ball
Dodge Ball
Dodge Ball
Dodge ball
Boys and Girls Basketball Camp Combined Registration Form
over 2 years ago, Johnson County School District
Basketball Camp
3rd & 4th Grade enjoyed Camp Read-A-Lot today!
over 2 years ago, Tara Montgomery
Porter STREAM students study what happens when light enters the pupil on humans and horses. They also experiment, collect, and analyze data for binocular and monocular vision by using both eyes to catch a ball and then covering one eye to see the effect on depth perception.
over 2 years ago, Rebecca Caudill
Throwing the ball 10 feet apart with binocular vision
Catching with one eye covered
Tossing the ball at 8 feet using binocular vision
Catching the ball at 6 feet with binocular vision.
over 2 years ago, Ashley LeMaster
Teachers @porterelementary spent time breaking down IReady data during today’s PLCS. #LivinThePantherLife #JCDLC #KYDLC
over 2 years ago, Selena Cochran
We want to recognize and thank our AMAZING Principal, Mrs. Lemaster!! Happy Principal’s Day! Thank you for always going above and beyond to ensure the success of our students and school! ❤️🐾 #Principalsday #LivinThePantherLife
over 2 years ago, Selena Cochran
Principal’s Day
Principal’s Day
https://sites.google.com/johnson.kyschools.us/jc-going-back-to-school/home Attention ALL Kindergarten Parents, above is the Open enrollment link!!
over 2 years ago, Selena Cochran
It's that time of year!!! If your kid will be ready to start Kindergarten next year, YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS THIS!!! Porter Elementary Kindergarten Orientation will be tomorrow, 4/27/22 @ 6:00pm! #LivinThePantherLife https://youtube.com/shorts/znBRj0gK2SI?feature=share
over 2 years ago, Selena Cochran
Porter STREAM students experiment with the density of dry erase markers while studying predator and prey. Students choose symbols to represent a prey animal and a predator animal. They try to make the predator chase its prey once water is added! #JCSTREAM #LivinThePantherLife
almost 3 years ago, Rebecca Caudill
Catching the predator
Students test density of dry erase markers
Predator chases Prey
Dry erase marker on spoon
Watch the 2022 STLP awards live https://www.ket.org/live/
almost 3 years ago, Johnson County Schools
Good Luck to our STLP team as they compete today!! #cctk #STLProcks #STLPKY
almost 3 years ago, Selena Cochran
Teachers @porterelementary collaborating in weekly PLCS. Check out Mrs. Lemaster’s weekly live calendar. #LivinThePantherLife #JCDLC #KYDLC
almost 3 years ago, Selena Cochran
https://youtu.be/eVN_hJtwJkg Porter Elementary's STLP team is Crushing Covid Through Kindness!! #CCTK #STLPKY #STLProcks #LivinThePantherLife #JCDLC #KYDLC
almost 3 years ago, Selena Cochran