Don’t forget to stop by the high school to pick up your FREE schools supplies (while they last)!!!
over 4 years ago, Erin Caudill
Welcome back Panthers!!! Click the link below to meet our teachers! Then click on the images in the teachers' classrooms for more info! #LivinThePantherLife
over 4 years ago, Heather Butcher
open house
Attention Panthers! Be sure to stop by next week to meet your teachers and collect any items you will need for the year. Teachers will be contacting you with more details by individual grade level. Thanks!
over 4 years ago, Heather Butcher
Based on recommendation for all K-12 public schools by Governor Beshear, Johnson County School District will delay face to face instruction until at least September 28th. More details and information will be released soon.
over 4 years ago, Johnson County Schools
Check out Ms. Kelli Ratliff's Bitmoji Google Classroom. Ms. Ratliff is working hard to provide her students the very best equitable education possible! If you are a JC Educator looking to learn more contact Ms. Ratliff!
over 4 years ago, JC Tech Team
Calling all Porter Kindergartners! We are having Kindercamp on Aug. 21st @ 10:00. Please view the info & sign-up for the event by Aug 17th!
over 4 years ago, Heather Butcher
Online Registration- Attention parents: ALL students attending Porter in the 2020 fall MUST be registered through our online enrollment system. Even if you are planning on your child attending Porter through our Click & Soar Online, you must enroll them. Please enroll your child so that we can prepare class lists for the upcoming year. The link below has information and tells you how to register. Thanks!
over 4 years ago, Heather Butcher
Johnson County Educators working hard to meaningfully incorporate blended learning strategies into instruction to engage students in learning. #kyinnov8 #KYDLC
over 4 years ago, Lisa Blevins-Salyer
Calling all Panthers!!! Kona Ice is coming to Porter tonight!!! We will have a special event for graduating 6th graders from 5-6 for a FREE Kona Ice and a gift. Anyone else can come from 6-8 to purchase their Kona Ice. We can't wait to see you!!!
over 4 years ago, Erin Caudill
Kona Ice is coming! The Kurbside Kona Ice will be at Porter Elementary on Friday 7/31. Graduating 6th graders are invited from 5-6pm for a FREE Kona Ice and a gift. Anyone else can come from 6-8 to purchase their Kona Ice! We can't wait to see you!
over 4 years ago, Erin Caudill
Reminder: Online registration for students is due by 8-1-20. For info, click the link below. For questions, call 606-789-2545 or email
over 4 years ago, Heather Butcher
Reminder: Online Registration is due by August 1st. Please visit our website or Facebook page for information. If you have questions, contact us at 789-2545. Thanks!
over 4 years ago, Heather Butcher
So proud of Mrs. Selena Cochran and her presentation at KYGoDigital!! Great job! #LivinThePantherLife
over 4 years ago, Heather Butcher
2020-2021 School Calendar Announcement
over 4 years ago, Thom Cochran
2020-2021 School Calendar
Parents, you still have time to apply for the KY P-EBT benefits. This is open to all students for a total benefit of $313.50 per student. If you haven't already, go to to apply. If you have any questions contact Erin Caudill at the Family Resource Center 606-789-3181 or at
over 4 years ago, Erin Caudill
Kentucky Parents and Families- We know this is a brave new world for you. School is out. Child care providers have been closed. Your work situation may have changed or be changing. You have kids at home as you try to juggle work, learning at home, and child care. We know that on the other side of this pandemic our world will not look the same - but we hope that, together, we can make it look better. We need your help. If child care in Kentucky is going to serve you well through the pandemic and beyond, we must better understand your perspective as a parent and family. This survey asks you to share your thoughts about child care and what’s next as Kentucky reopens the economy. Your responses will help child care providers, community leaders, and policy makers better understand your child care needs as a family and plan for a future that bests serves you. This survey is being conducted in partnership with the following organizations: the Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence, Kentucky Youth Advocates, Metro United Way, United Way of Kentucky, United Way of Greater Cincinnati, Learning Grove, Child Care Advocates of Kentucky, Community Coordinated Child Care (4-C), Appalachian Early Childhood Network, and the Child Care Council of Kentucky. Your answers will be kept confidential. Results from this survey will only be reported in group form and will not identify you or any other individual. The survey will take less than 15 minutes to complete. If you have any questions about this survey, please contact We hope you are staying safe and healthy, and thank you for all you are doing working and caring for Kentucky's children and for taking the time to share your experiences and challenges. Thank you, Brooke Gill Family Engagement Director, Kentucky Collaborative for Families and Schools
over 4 years ago, Erin Caudill
JC parents and guardians please complete the Healthy at School Survey! Survey results will be used to develop opening plans for the 2020-2021 school year!
over 4 years ago, Johnson County Schools
JC parents & guardians please complete the Healthy at Schools Survey!
over 4 years ago, Johnson County Schools
Mrs. Alley Garner, Dr. Robin Hyden, and Mrs. Melanie Ramey have been selected as Kentucky Mathematics Teacher Leaders! They will be joining an elite group of 90 Kentucky mathematics teachers. It is a great day to be an EAGLE! #Eagle4Life
over 4 years ago, Johnson County Schools
FREE PIZZA FOR READING??? Sign up now for Pizza Hut's Camp Book It Program!!!
over 4 years ago, Erin Caudill