Here is the link for the P-EBT. If you are a Johnson county student this is available to everyone, not only students that receive the snap program. The application will open up June 1st. If you are not a county student but receive free or reduced lunch in a private or independent school it is also available to you. To apply you will need your child’s student ID this is located on the students report card or on parent portal. The application will not be found on the site until June 1st!!!! If you have any other questions or I can be of assistance feel free to call me at 789-3181 or message me. Also the feeding program will continue through the summer via the same bus routes as they are doing now. Buses will continue their routes Monday Wednesday and Friday throughout the summer but pickup will not be available at Porter Elementary school. I hope this helps many of our families. Erin Caudill Porter Elementary Family Resource Director
over 4 years ago, Erin Caudill
Congratulations to Samantha Garrett for winning the Family Engagement Bingo Contest!!! I will drop off your prize today!!!
over 4 years ago, Erin Caudill
(P-EBT) program is a financial resource for families with students who lost access to free or reduced-price school meals due to COVID-19.
over 4 years ago, Johnson County Schools
Panthers!!! Get ready for some family fun with family engagement BINGO!!! Use the card below and mark off activities as you complete them and post pictures of each activity as you complete. The contest will end Friday May 22nd. Each family who BINGO's will be entered into a drawing for a fun summer family prize. There will be 5 winners! When you BINGO remember to post your card!!!
over 4 years ago, Erin Caudill
JCHS Class of 2020 please view the following message from Superintendent @thomcochran and Johnson County School District. "Kid, You'll Move Mountains!"- Dr. Seuss
over 4 years ago, Johnson County Schools
Check out May's Dinner Table Project newsletter!!!
over 4 years ago, Erin Caudill
dinner table project
Today is the last day of school for Johnson County students.  We have faced many adversities and challenges, but we have overcome them all.  Thanks to all students, parents, faculty/staff, and community members. We will miss you. Please stay safe and have a great summer. 
over 4 years ago, Johnson County Schools
School Click on the link to join Johnson County FRYSC Garden club!
over 4 years ago, Erin Caudill
Johnson County School District would like to express our gratitude and appreciation for our nurses and all nurses across this great nation. Happy Nurses Day! #Eagle4Life
over 4 years ago, Lisa Blevins-Salyer
Great opportunity for parents of young children!! Follow this link for you free kit!!!
over 4 years ago, Erin Caudill
Thank you to all JC teachers and support staff! You are absolutely amazing! #Eagle4Life
over 4 years ago, Johnson County Schools
Johnson County School District- Updated Meal Delivery Schedule
over 4 years ago, Johnson County Schools
Meal Delivery
COVID-19 Safety Pledge- Johnson County students, educators, parents, and community members please take a moment to complete the COVID-19 Safety Pledge. Let's turn Johnson County green!
over 4 years ago, Johnson County Schools
Safety Pledge
Happy School Principals' Day! Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to students, staff, parents, and community! #Eagle4Life
over 4 years ago, Johnson County Schools
District Judge, Brett Butcher & Family- Green Eggs and Ham
over 4 years ago, Johnson County Schools
Tracey Hedrick Hamilton, APRN- Goodnight Moon
over 4 years ago, Johnson County Schools
New updates from the KY Division of Family Support regarding the use of SNAP benefits for online grocery shopping...
over 4 years ago, Erin Caudill
Panthers!!!! Don’t forget to enter your art for the anti littering contest! This is sponsored by Apple Valley Sanitation. First place prize for each grade group is $100 and second place prize for each age group is $50!!!
almost 5 years ago, Erin Caudill
Johnson County Schools Public Service Announcement 4/22/2020
almost 5 years ago, Johnson County Schools
Census 2020
This weeks challenge: make a poster or sign thanking a group that is Essential and in service right now. (Examples could be: nurses, drs, school cooks, bus drivers, teachers, truck drivers, first responders, store employees, bankers, etc) Take a picture of yourself and post it in our FB feed or send it to Mrs. Cochran. Let’s let these groups know how much we appreciate them!!
almost 5 years ago, Heather Butcher